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Date: 8 August, 2018
Issue No.006

TEF Newsletter (Issue No.006)

The second Steering Group meeting met in Taipei in July and devoted its time making plans for a meeting of the TEF to be held from November 27 to December 1, 2018 (inclusive of travel dates). There will be optional exposure programs prior to and post the meeting and a Pre-Meeting Youth Forum on November 27. Invitations will be sent to all the partner churches of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT), all ecumenical agencies, participants in the February 2017 PCT International Forum on the Role of the Mission of the Church in Taiwan Today, as well as to other ecumenical friends. The venue will be the PCT Presbyterian Bible College in Hsinchu, Taiwan.

The Steering Group welcomed new participants at the July meeting: Rev. Lee Hong Jung, General Secretary of the NCC Korea and Bishop Melza Labuntog, the newly elected General Secretary of the UCC Philippines. Bishop Rex Reyes had agreed to be a member of the Steering Group but was unable to participate due to a last-minute assignment in his new duty in the Philippine Episcopal Church.

The theme of the November meeting is: Asia Pacific Kairos: A prophetic call to journey together with the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) in pursuit of justice and peace for the people of Taiwan and the Asia-Pacific.

The Steering Group affirmed that the emphasis of the November gathering should include:

(1) Biblical and theological reflection on the role of the ecumenical movement in accompany the life and witness of the PCT;

(2) Deepening the geopolitical analysis and the urgent challenges to justice and peace in East Asia and the Pacific;

(3) Role of youth, women, and PCT partners in working with the TEF;
(4) Deepening the analysis of the Empire through a East Asia perspective; and
(5) Updates on the transitional justice processes for the White Terror Era and the Indigenous Peoples and Taiwan’s international status.

The Steering Group appointed a Planning Group to continue to prepare the November event. This Planning Group comprises the TEF Co-Convenors: Collin Cowan and Chris Ferguson,  PCT members: Victor Hsu, Joshua Lian and Li U-peng, and Ms. Sunita Suna, Asia Pacific Regional Secretary,World Student Christian Federation (WSCF).

Invitations are being sent out to enable invitees to hold the date. If you have not received one but is interested in attending please write to Victor Hsu:


2018/8/8 第二次執行小組(Steering Group)會議已於7月在台北舉行,並在會議中籌劃2018年11月27日至12月1日(包含抵達/離開)所舉行的第一次TEF會議。會議前後可能安排媒體曝光,11月27日將舉辦行前「青年論壇」。邀請函屆時將發送給台灣基督長老教會(PCT)的夥伴教會、普世機構、參與2月2017年PCT「今日台灣教會的宣教任務」國際論壇的與會人士,以及其他普世朋友。TEF會議將在台灣新竹聖經學院舉行。

執行小組7月會議歡迎新成員:韓國教會合作協會(NCCK)總幹事Lee Hong-Jung牧師及菲律賓聯合基督教會(UCCP)新當選的總幹事Melzar D. Labuntog。Rex Reyes主教已同意成為執行小組成員,但因他在菲律賓聖公會教堂所擔任的新職務有突發任務而無法參加。

11月TEF會議主題:亞太新契機:與PCT同行響應先知性呼召,為台灣及亞太人民尋求公義與和平(Asia Pacific Kairos: A prophetic call to journey together with the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) in pursuit of justice and peace for the people of Taiwan and the Asia-Pacific)。

(1) 藉由聖經及神學反思普世運動的角色,並一同探討PCT的生活見證;
(2) 深化地緣政治分析與探討東亞及太平洋地區正義和平的緊迫挑戰;
(3) TEF論壇中青年、女性及PCT夥伴教會的角色;
(4) 藉由東亞觀點深化帝國主義分析,及
(5) 回報「白色恐怖」及「原住民」之轉型正義,以及台灣國際地位的最新情況。

執行小組任命規劃小組(Planning Group)持續籌備11月的活動。該規劃小組包括TEF共同召集人:Collin Cowan、Chris Ferguson、 PCT的徐望志、連振翔及李宇平以及Sunita Suna (世界基督徒學生聯盟(WSCF)亞太幹事)。

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