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Date: 22 November<, 2019
Issue No.011

TEF Newsletter (Issue No.011)
November 2019

A prophetic call to journey together with the PCT in pursuit of justice and peace for the people of Taiwan and the Asia-Pacific

“What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God” Micah 6:8

Newsletter # 11

This newsletter is about a meeting of Experts on Empire’s Impact and Mission Response held on 11-14 October 2019 in Tokyo, Japan

The planning group was authorised by a core group of the TEF and comprised Professor Huang Po Ho and Victor Hsu. The seminar was a response to the consistent concern on the impacts of empires that affects the many aspects of PCT's mission priorities on Transitional Justice and international isolation of Taiwan.  The empires impacts are closely related to the people’s security of the North East Asia region.

The intention was to organize a small expert group meeting drawn from Japan, Korea, Myanmar, the Philippines and Taiwan. During the preparation, massive protests in Hong Kong erupted and it was decided also to invite a scholar from Hong Kong to share its recent development and their theological reflections.

The TEF is most grateful to UCC-Japan and Rev. Kato Makoto, one of TEF Steering Group members for their generosity in hosting the meeting at Tokyo. Though regretfully participants from the Philippines and Myanmar were unable to attend, and despite Hagibis, one of the biggest typhoons in Japan for last 60 years, the meeting went very smooth and successful with a significant outcome.

A final report was unanimously adopted as a formal output from the meeting.

Japan: Rev. Toru Akiyama, Rev. Kato Makoto, Rev. Michiko Nishinosono, Rev. Kim Yong-So
Korea: Rev. Dr. JaeCheon LEE, Rev. Dr. Panim KIM, and Rev. Dr. Sungkook PARK
Hong Kong : Prof. Kung Lip Yan
Taiwan: Prof. Victor Hsu, Rev. Dr. Ng Pek-Ho, Rev. Sudu Tada, Rev. Chng Hau Seng,
    Mr.Ljavakaw Tjaljimaraw, and Evangelist Li U-Peng as support staff

Empire Seminar Final Report

We, the 16 Asian representatives and experts from Japan, Korea, Hong Kong and Taiwan, gathered in Tokyo from Oct. 11-14, 2019 to discern the signs of the times and to discuss the current context which our communities and churches are experiencing. We were sorry that participants from the Philippines and Myanmar were unable to attend.  We met at a time that Tokyo came under assault by one of its biggest typhoons. We pray for the speedy recovery of those who have been devastated by the typhoon.

We listened to presentations by scholars from the four countries on the common theme of “Empires’ Impacts and Mission Responses.” After the opening welcome by the Moderator and the General Secretary of the United Church of Christ, Japan the participants engaged in a deep exploration of “Mission Responses and Strategies”. The speakers opened our perspectives not only on how the hegemonic empires have affected the churches and their mission in their history, but also, in a spirit of repentance, made us realize that the churches were themselves corrupted and capitulated themselves to develop the same mindset of the empire. For example, the creation of the theology of prosperity, rather than emphasizing the theology of the cross, and the establishment of the mega-churches are manifestations of this empire mentality.

We were informed of the current Hong Kong situation including the “Joint Statement on the Hong Kong Democracy Movement” made by NCCK, NCCJ, and PCT. This statement had triggered a negative and extremely inappropriate reaction from the China Christian Council specifically against both the NCCK and the NCCJ. Nevertheless, we reaffirm our solidarity with Hongkongers’ cause for freedoms and democracy and tremble with anger about the shameful and brutal treatments to which they have been subjected.

Today we cannot help but regret our naïveté in believing that China would become a good neighbor in Asia and a responsible member of the international society. We are alarmed by this new rising hegemonic imperialistic power, which is manipulating new forms of comprehensive and multi-dimensional aggressive strategies through military, political, economic, cultural, and even psychological means to carry out its domination and expansion. We consider it as not only the root cause of Taiwan’s sufferings and international isolation but also a threat to peace in Asia and beyond. We are compelled by our conscience in faith to name China as a hegemonic empire, an empire we hesitated to call out previously, for its aggression and oppression from which these sufferings and miseries have arisen. 

We also confess that we all have been complicit in the evils the empire has committed.  “Empire China” cannot develop and run its huge military power and bureaucratic machine without being fed by international trade and commerce, and the collaboration of various elements of our countries, including governments, transnational corporations, educational institutions, and even churches. Our countries keep fueling this machine by doing business with China while turning a blind eye, consciously or unwittingly, to this inconvenient reality.

We are entering an era of a “Crisis of Conscience” when the bloods of Uyghurs, Tibetans, Hongkongers, and so many others are challenging us to respond. We believe that Asian churches and peoples are called upon to stand at the forefront of resisting the hegemonic empire  through nurturing and the engagement of prophetic communities.

 Thus, the participants of this meeting recommend:
  1. To propose to NEAAC of WCRC and Asian Fellowship of Mission 21 to designate sessions of their youth gatherings for the sharing and exploration of the issue on empire’s impacts on the regional political and church mission affairs, and such as TEF and Hong Kong issues
  2. To make use of the PCT’s I Love Taiwan (ILT) and the Ecumenical Youth Exchange Program as a platform to plan orientation on the issue of empire’s nature and impacts
  3. To continue to utilize the PROK general assembly ecumenical sessions,  youth camps and women’s gatherings to introduce TEF and issues on empire concerning cases of Taiwan and Hong Kong
  4. To produce advocative advertising spots on empire.
  5. To urge the member churches of the TEF Steering Group to nurture, support and implement the activities recommended in this report.

Micah 6:8

He has shown you, O mankind, what is good. What does the LORD require of you, but to act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?




通訊# 11




TEF非常感謝日本基督教團(The United Church of Christ in Japan (UCCJ))及TEF Steering Group 執行小組成員之一Kato Makoto牧師於東京主辦會議。儘管菲律賓及緬甸的與會者未能參加,且研討會中又遇到日本60年最強颱風—哈吉貝,但研討會仍順利結束,會議結果顯著。


日本: Kato Makoto牧師、Toru Akiyama 牧師 (講者) 、Michiko Nishinosono牧師、Kim Yong-So牧師
韓國: JaeCheon LEE牧師(PROK總幹事) 、Panim KIM牧師及Sungkook Park牧師
台灣:徐望志教授、黃伯和教授、Sudu Tada牧師、莊孝盛牧師、Ljavakaw Tjaljimaraw弟兄、李宇平傳道師







我們正處於一個 「良心危機」的時代,維吾爾人、藏人、香港人以及其他許多人的鮮血正在挑戰我們做出回應。我們認為,透過先知群體的培育及參與,亞洲教會與人民被呼召來站在抵抗霸權帝國的最前線。


  1. 向普世改革宗教會聯盟(WCRC)的東北亞區會(North East Asia Area Council, NEAAC)及Mission 21亞洲團契(Asian Fellowship, ASF)提議,委派青年會議,以分享及探討關於帝國對區域政治及教會宣教事務的影響,例如:TEF及香港問題

  2. 利用PCT 我愛台灣宣教營I Love Taiwan Mission (ILT)與普世青年交流計畫(Ecumenical Youth Exchange Programme, EYEP)作為平台,規劃有關帝國本質與影響的議題探討

  3. 繼續透過韓國基督教長老會(Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea, PROK )通常議會的普世會議、青年營及婦女聚會來介紹TEF及有關台灣與香港的帝國問題

  4. 透過社群媒體呼籲大家關注帝國議題

  5. 敦促TEF SG小組的成員教會培育、支持與落實本報告之建議事項

    「世人哪!耶和華已指示你何為善。他向你索要的是什麼呢? 只要你行公義,好憐憫,存謙卑的心,與你的神同行。」

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