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Date: 24 November, 2020
Issue No.015

TEF Newsletter (Issue No.015)
November 2020

A prophetic call to journey together with the PCT in pursuit of justice and peace for the people of Taiwan and the Asia-Pacific

What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8


These are extraordinary times for the entire oikoumene and a special occasion to extend solidarity and pray for each other. We know that nothing will separate us from the love of God. Here in Taiwan, we give thanks to God for your steadfastness as we take immense solace in knowing that we are supporting each other in prayer. We note with special concern that the pandemic seems to be worsening in both the USA and Europe. Let us lift each other in prayer.

TEF Steering Group Meeting on November 18

The TEF Steering Group (SG) met electronically on November 18 for a two-hour session. Once more, the electronic medium felicitously provided space for members of the PCT TEF Task Force to participate. With the exception of the SG members in the Philippines, we had almost a 100% attendance and it was important that the SG members received important updates and reports.

The SG welcomed three new members at this meeting:

Rev. Karen Campbell of the United Reform Church. She began her role in April as the Secretary for Global & Intercultural Ministries.

The agenda consisted mainly of reports by sub-committee chairpersons:

(1) Convocation of Indigenous Peoples, Youth and Women Rachel Chen
(2) Building & Broadening Alliances Nancy Lin
(3) Relationship between the PCT and the China Christian Council Sandy Sneddon

The SG received and affirmed the reports and urged the subcommittees to proceed with their work.

A substantive update by the PCT was presented by its Vice-Moderator Stephen Hsu Hsinte. The SG agreed by consensus the proposed activities and, recognizing the importance of developing a work plan, agreed to meet again ASAP, and no later than January 15.

Due to the comprehensive nature of the update which includes the transition and staff changes, the presentation by the Vice-Moderator is reproduced in full for your reference.

Update from the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT)
Presented by Vice Moderator, Rev. Stephen HSU Hsin-Te


Warm welcome to all who have joined this meeting and once again PCT expresses our sincere gratitude to all of you for giving us of your time and commitment.

Many of you live in very uncertain and challenging situations due to the continuing COVID-19 Pandemic. Here in Taiwan we realize how blessed we are and grateful to our government and CDC for their incredible service from day one. Frankly speaking, in some sense it is difficult for us to imagine fully what you are all going through especially through lockdown situations and work furloughs so on. Our prayers are with you.

I am sure you will allow me to add a special welcome to our brother Sandy Sneddon as we know he has been dealing with some recent health issues – we are pleased to have Sandy with us today and pray for your continued healing.

We also extend our prayers and concern to friends in the Philippines as you deal with the aftermath of devastating typhoons – first “Rolly” and more recently “Ulyssess (Vamco)”.

Let me begin the PCT updates with personnel issues as related to TEF.


  1. Concerning PCT General Secretary, Rev. Lyim Hong-Tiong health situation, he continues to improve slowly and last month moved to a nursing and rehabilitation facility in west-central Taiwan, Lukang Christian Hospital, which is a branch hospital of the PCT Changhua Christian Hospital. Please continue to pray for Rev. Lyim and his family.
  2. During this interim period as you know PCT appointed Associate General Secretary, Rev. Chhoa Lam-Sin to be the Acting General Secretary and we are thankful to him for taking up so many additional tasks. We pray for him and GAO colleagues.
  3. During the PCT General Assembly meeting in June, postponed from April due to COVID-19, Rev. TAN Sin-Liong (CHEN Hsin-Liang) was elected to be the next PCT General Secretary.
  4. In August we received resignation notice from Evangelist Li U-Peng since he accepted a call to serve under the PCT Peace Foundation located in Pe-O (Penghu) or to use the more familiar name to many - the Pescadores Islands. In addition U-Peng was ordained as a PCT minister on 7 November. We wish Rev. Li U-Peng every blessing in his new ministry and thank him for his contribution to the TEF administration.
  5. Following the unexpected resignation of U-Peng the PCT appointed Rev. Sudu Tada, Programme Secretary for Indigenous Ministry, who is also our TEF Steering Group member, to be the TEF Task Force Executive Secretary for the present until July 2021. Again we pray for him with the extra load.
  6. Lastly a piece of happy news – some of you are familiar with Cindy Huang the spouse of our colleague Rev. Lian Chin-Siong (Joshua) – she too was ordained as a PCT minister on 31 October and few days later on 10 November gave birth to their first child – congratulations to Cindy and Joshua and daughter!

PCT Ministries:

I mention the personnel matters because they relate to both current issues and future direction of PCT ministries. Rev. Lyim will step down as General Secretary next year - June 2021. Let me add this is not related to his current health situation but because it will be the end date of his second (final) term. Rev. TAN Sin-Liong, the General Secretary elect will formally begin his duties 1 July 2021

For clarification - the PCT General Secretary is elected by ballot appx 15 months prior to coming into office. One term is for four years but GS can be re-elected twice (maximum of three terms). When a new General Secretary begins there will also be a turnover among the entire team of Associate General Secretaries and Programme Secretaries. In other words we will not know who will be in place for each ministry committee until spring (April) next year. This may seem like a long wait for some but this has been PCT practice for many years.

So frankly speaking PCT is in a transition period and in some respects it is hard for me to speak on the future mission direction of the church before the new leadership begins.

That said, I can share that the PCT General Secretary elect has expressed in conversations his openness and desire to continue the TEF ministry and has an understanding of its value. A pastor of a local indigenous church, Rev. Tan has served on many PCT committees and was elected as Moderator of the PCT (2005) so comes with valuable experience and understanding of the church ministries and the wider international and ecumenical aspect of PCT mission.

Although in transition and hampered by the COVID pandemic, PCT is continuing its commitment to TEF and the Task Force is diligently pursuing various elements, including the transitional justice and land issues related to our indigenous people; TEF-IYW; the DAB Domestic Alliance Building so on, which will be reported on more fully in the Sub-committee reports.

Here I would like to comment the steps taken in the ecumenical and alliance building process within Taiwan is a very important one for us. As one who has had the privilege to serve the PCT in several capacities I know very well how hard it is! Unfortunately the NCC Taiwan, as most of you know, has never had a full time office or staff (leadership rotates every two years) and it has taken years of bridge building, relationships healing, respect and trust within the ecumenical community and NGOs in Taiwan.

At times it has been tempting to give up, so I am thankful TEF has given us new impetus to address these challenges again. It is encouraging to see initial positive signs of response and cooperation going in even though we have encountered some setbacks. They may seem like baby steps to those looking in but these changes are very important.

Other Concerns:

It is not necessary to elaborate that the COVID-19 global Pandemic has and is affecting all of us. Here in Taiwan we are humbled and very blessed and cannot praise too highly the Taiwan government and CDC response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. It has been exceptional. It is no exaggeration to say we are living in one of if not the safest country in the world. Taiwan as a country and PCT as mission partner tried to reach out to other countries with donations of face masks, PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), funds, so on.

Despite the exceptional response and record Taiwan yet again faced barriers and isolation issue with the WHO – even the past recent days the WHA meeting in Geneva did not issue an invitation to Taiwan to participate. That is totally beyond human comprehension when other nations can learn from Taiwan experience. We are grateful to the few nations who spoke up on our behalf.

The other current event of course that the world has been watching is the recent elections in the USA. All are concerned as to how the new government will be addressing global issues and what implications they will have not only on our country but the Asia Pacific region as a whole.

No matter the uncertainties we persevere and the PCT looks forward to continuing the TEF journey. While at the tentative stage we would like to share with you the following proposals and welcome your input and participation as SG members:

  1. As soon as it is practical and safe, plan to visit international partners to reiterate TEF vision and give updates about our ecumenical and political situation in Taiwan. PCT has of course numerous valuable mission partners so we are thinking to begin with those churches that already have a presence in the TEF-Steering Group. We would like to ask our partner churches to help arrange meetings with the government officials and where possible the local NCC so on, in each country.

  2. Following the USA President’s inauguration, to explore a possible visit the Biden administration. To implement such a visit we are thinking to ask the NCCCUSA to help with the arrangements along with our partner churches e.g. PC (USA), UCC & DOC (United Church of Christ-Disciples of Christ), RCA.

    We also keep in mind that the current Taiwan Representative to the USA, Ms Hsiao Bi-Khim is personally known to us and has a very good understanding of PCT. Ms Hsiao, based in Washington, is certainly a valuable resource person.

  3. For these visits we will do our best to encourage and include other denominations in Taiwan (three) to be part of these activities. Hopefully this will also open doors for their respective denominations counterparts overseas to be involved.




通訊# 15


11月18日TEF Steering Group執行小組會議

SG執行小組於11月18日舉行兩小時的線上會議。PCT TEF 工作小組成員再次使用電子設備參與視訊會議。除菲律賓的SG成員未能出席外,SG執行小組的出席率幾乎高達100%,讓SG成員收到最新情況與報告是要事。


來自聯合歸正教會的Karen Campbell牧師。她在四月份開始擔任全球及跨文化事工之幹事。


(1) 「TEF青年、原住民及婦女研討會」 陳怡婷姐妹
(2) 「拓展TEF普世聯盟及社會團體」 鄭明敏老師
(3) 「PCT與中國基督教協會的關係」 Sandy Sneddon/蘇格蘭教會(CoS)亞洲幹事







允許我對我們的弟兄Sandy Sneddon表示特別的歡迎,因為我們得知他的健康狀況。我們很高興Sandy今天與我們同在,並為你繼續禱告。




  1. 關於PCT總幹事林芳仲的健康狀況,林總幹事正緩慢進步中,上個月搬至台灣中西部的護理及康復機構 - 鹿港基督教醫院,該機構為PCT彰化基督教醫院的分院。請繼續為林牧師與他的家人禱告。
  2. 如您所知,值此過渡時期,PCT任命助理總幹事蔡南信代理總幹事,我們感謝他承擔了許多額外的任務。我們為他及PCT總會事務所的同工祈禱。
  3. 本應在4月舉行的PCT通常議會延至6月舉行,陳信良牧師當選下一屆PCT總幹事。
  4. PCT於8月收到傳道師李宇平的辭職通知,其後於平安基金會澎湖縣辦事處擔任專員。此外,李宇平也於11月7日按立為PCT牧師。願李宇平牧師於新的事奉中得到祝福,並感謝他對TEF的貢獻。
  5. 於李宇平辭職後,PCT任命原住民宣教委員會執行幹事Sudu Tada牧師擔任TEF工作小組執行幹事,任期至2021年7月,他同時也是SG執行小組的成員。我們再次為他祈禱並感謝他承擔額外的任務。
  6. 連振翔牧師的太太黃欣怡也在10月31日按立為PCT牧師。11月10日生下他們的第一個孩子。祝賀連振翔牧師、黃欣怡牧師與他們的女兒!



說明- PCT總幹事在上任前約15個月通過投票選舉產生。一屆任期為四年,但總幹事可以連選連任兩次。新總幹事上任後,助理總幹事及執行幹事也會更替。換句話說,我們要到明年春天(4月)才能知道各部會的人選。這是PCT多年來的慣例。







COVID-19已影響我們所有人。身處臺灣,我們很感恩,對台灣政府及衛生福利部疾病管制屬應對 COVID-19大流行的措施,必須給予高度評價,他們表現得十分常出色。如果說我們生活在世界上最安全的國家之一,一點也不為過。臺灣作為一個國家及PCT作為宣教夥伴,力圖透過捐贈口罩、PPE(個人防護設備)或專款捐贈資金等方式,向其他國家伸出援手。

儘管台灣的措施及紀錄非常出色,但卻再次面對無法參與WHO及受到孤立等問題,即使是最近在日內瓦舉行的WHA 會議,台灣也再次未獲邀請。當其他國家有機會共享台灣經驗時,台灣卻被排除在外,這是完全無法理解的。不過,我們仍然感謝一些為台灣發言的友好國家。日新任總幹事上任。

當然,美國的選舉是當前全世界都在關注的事。 所有的人都關心新政府將如何處理全球問題,這些問題不僅對台灣,且對整個亞太地區會有影響。


1.實際及安全的情況下,儘快拜訪國際夥伴,重申TEF的異象,並提供臺灣普世與政治局勢的最新情況。當然,PCT有許多寶貴的宣教夥伴,所以我們想從已在TEF SG執行小組參與的教會開始。我們想邀請我們的夥伴教會協助安排與各國政府官員會面,並在可能的情況下,與當地教會合作協會合作。

2. 在美國總統就職典禮之後,討論拜訪拜登政府的可能性。為實現其拜訪,我們正考慮請美國全國基督教會協會與我們的夥伴教會,如美國長老教會、美國聯合基督教會、美國歸正教會一起協助安排。


3. 關於這些拜訪,我們將盡力鼓勵並邀請臺灣其他教派參加。希望這也將為他們各自的海外教派打開參與的大門。
