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AboutUs News NewsLetter NewsLetter
Date: 4 Oct, 2023

TEF Newsletter (Issue No.021)

In the context of increasing war and rumors of war, the steering group of the Taiwan Ecumenical Forum met in Taipei between the 7th and 8th of September 2023. This was the first in-person meeting after the pandemic and it offered the opportunity to reflect on the realities of the world we now live in.

The gathering worked to both re-prioritize the goals of the Taiwan Ecumenical Forum as well as sought to strengthen its leadership. We worked towards increasing the partnership with other global ecumenical fora as well as with regional and global ecumenical organizations. At the same time, we also looked towards deepening our relationship with other partner churches. In its work, it also began the planning for the Taiwan Ecumenical Forum in 2025.

The Taiwan Ecumenical Forum


We recognized the shift in global geopolitics. While the same imperial systems continue to be the same and the distance between those who make the decisions and those who suffer the consequences of these decisions continues to increase, we recognize that there are new events and new actors. We recognize a coming together of political, economic and military power that has solidified imperial interests while at the same time throwing up both new imperial powers as well as those with imperial aspirations. While the actors may change, the nature and logic of imperialism remain intact.

At the same time, we find that power is also vested in the Transnational corporations who owe no allegiance except to the logic of profit and accumulation. These corporations and the class of Uber wealthy billionaires use the power of the state to further their own interests. This has resulted in a grossly unequal system of the distribution of wealth and power. A powerful class of people control the resources of the entire planet and are putting both human and non-human life at risk.

In recent times we also recognise the rise of weaponisation and militarization. While we have been living in the midst of a patriarchal military-industrial complex since the last century, there was, at least within this system, a respect for the sovereignty of national boundaries. What is new in our times is the armed struggles and war over national territories. This is epitomised in the invasion of Ukraine as well as in China re-drawing maps. These global movements draw our attention to Chinese imperial desires and particularly the implications of this for Taiwan.


In the midst of these changes and solidifications, it is incumbent on us, as the church and as disciples of Christ, to continually focus our attention on discerning the signs of the times. An analysis of the context is necessary for a life of discipleship and for the theological reflection of the church. Context is never constant; it is fluid and always changing, and therefore an analysis of the context must be continuous. At this moment in history, it is important that we are able to name what is happening and to find language that is honest and relevant to what is going on.

We understand that the pandemic has exposed in a deep way the realities of our world, and we have to find ways in which we can name this new reality that we are faced with.


The Steering group committed once more to accompanying Taiwan, the Taiwanese people and the Taiwanese churches as they continue in International isolation and the threat of invasion. We further committed to listening to indigenous people and the amplification of their voices. We recognize that the first victims of Empire are indigenous people whose bodies, lands and knowledge are even today being colonized.

The steering group also committed to the leadership of young people and women in the TEF recognizing the importance of their voices.


The Steering committee calls for the ecumenical movement and the global church to listen to what the Spirit is saying, particularly as we seek to discern together.

It called for a critical analysis of Empire and Biblical and theological reflection to enable effective resistance and the founding of alternatives.

It called for the end of Taiwanese isolation and for the global church to stand with the cause of the people of Taiwan.

It called for communication strategies that would effectively meet the goals of the TEF and further the cause of the Taiwanese people

It further called for a dialogue with the Chinese Christian Council to further the Christian koinonia and justice.

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