“What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God” Micah 6:8
Prayers for PCT General Secretary
We begin this issue with the sad news that the PCT General Secretary, Rev. Lyim Hong-Tiong suffered a serious stroke earlier this month. He is out of intensive care but your prayers are solicited as he faces a long road to recovery. Please pray for his family and the PCT ministry.
Taiwan Election on January 11
You will have heard about the re-election of President Tsai Ing-wen with a historic majority of over 57%. Her party has retained control of the National Assembly. China’s severe isolation of Taiwan is expected to continue in the wake of her overwhelming victory, which some analysts believe, is a strong rejection of any rapprochement with China. Exit polls indicate that she received a very substantial support from voters who are 45 years and younger.
Convocation of Youth, Indigenous Peoples and Women in June 26-30, 2020
Please put in your calendar a TEF Convocation on Youth, Indigenous Peoples and Women to be held in June in the Philippines. This is an initiative of the TEF Steering Group. A planning committee met on January 6 and 7 in Manila.
From the Philippines:
Rev. Francisco Hernando
Ms. Faith Justice Sanchez
Bishop Rex Reyes, Jr.
Bishop Reuel Norman Marigza
From Japan:
Dr. Yuki Takai-Heller
Ms. Nonoka Kuze
From Taiwan:
Rev. Dr. Ng Pek-Ho
Evangelist Tjanuabk Ljaljegean
Ms. Rachel Tan
TEF Co-convener: Rev. Dr. Collin Cowan
Steering Group Meeting, March 6-7, 2020
The next meeting of the TEF Steering Group will take place in Taipei on March 6-7.
The agenda is as follows:
1. Taiwan Presidential & National Elections on January 11, 2020
2. Transitional Justice Commission for Indigenous Peoples
3. Hong Kong Situation.
Report on TEF activities:
1. Seminar on the Empire, October, 2019 Tokyo
2. Sub-committee on broadening TEF alliances in and outside Taiwan
3. Planning Committee for the Convocation on Youth, Indigenous Peoples and Women
通訊# 12
台灣基督長老教會總會總幹事林芳仲牧師2020年1月4日禮拜六清晨5點半左右在家中昏倒,經家人發現緊急送往馬偕紀念醫院治療,已於1月13日轉到普通病房,身體復原狀況如醫療預期,有良好的進步。請大家為總幹事的康復,並為其家人及 PCT 的事工代禱。
蔡英文總統於本次大選獲得超過 57% 選票,順利連任。同時也創下台灣總統選舉史上最高得票紀錄。她帶領的民進黨在國會獲得過半席次,延續完全執政。一些分析家認為,雖然中共會持續對台實施孤立打壓,她的壓倒性勝選代表台灣民意重擊北京當局,強烈反對與中國統一。選舉出口民調顯示,蔡總統獲得 45 歲以下選民的大力支持。
Francisco Hernando牧師
Faith Justice Sanchez姐妹
Rex Reyes, Jr.主教
Reuel Norman Marigza主教
Yuki Takai-Heller博士
Nonoka Kuze姐妹
Tjanuabk Ljaljegean(蔣記剛)傳道師
TEF共同主席:Collin Cowan牧師/博士
1. 台灣2020年總統選舉與立法委員選舉
2. 原住民族歷史正義與轉型正義委員會
3. 香港處境
1. 2019年10月11日至14日於日本東京舉行的「帝國影響及宣教回應」研討會
2. 「拓展TEF普世聯盟及社會團體」小組委員會
3. 「TEF青年、原住民及婦女研討會」籌備委員會