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Date: 26 May, 2020
Issue No.013

TEF Newsletter (Issue No.013)
May 2020

A prophetic call to journey together with the PCT in pursuit of justice and peace for the people of Taiwan and the Asia-Pacific

“What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God” Micah 6:8


These are extraordinary times that the entire oikoumene is facing. We take this opportunity to extend our solidarity to you and to pray with you. As a people of faith, we know that nothing will separate us from the love of God. If we trust in God, God will set straight our paths. We give thanks to God for your great faithfulness and take immense solace in knowing that we are praying for each other.

Prayers for PCT General Secretary

In the last newsletter, we asked for prayers for the PCT General Secretary, Rev. Lyim Hong-Tiong who suffered a serious stroke in early January. He faces a long road to recovery. Please pray for him and his family.

PCT General Assembly

The PCT General Assembly had to be postponed to June. With improving COVID-19 circumstances, it is likely to be held. However, the PCT is unable to extend invitations to partners overseas as the Taiwan government still ban foreigners from visiting. At the General Assembly a top item on its agenda will be the election of a new PCT General Secretary. There are four candidates including Rev. Lyim.

Postponement of Convocation of Youth, Indigenous Peoples and Women in June 26-30, 2020

Unfortunately, a TEF Convocation on Youth, Indigenous Peoples and Women, originally to be held in June in the Philippines has to be postponed. This is an initiative of the TEF Steering Group.  A planning committee is consulting as to the next steps. The members:

From the Philippines:

Rev. Francisco Hernando
Ms. Faith Justice Sanchez
Bishop Rex Reyes, Jr.
Bishop Reuel Norman Marigza

From Japan:

Dr. Yuki Takai-Heller
Ms. Nonoka Kuze

From Taiwan:

Rev. Dr. Ng Pek-Ho
Evangelist Tjanuabk Ljaljegean
Ms. Rachel Tan

TEF Co-convener: Dr. Collin Cowan

Core Group of the Steering Group

The Core Group of the Steering Group has been meeting electronically since the postponement of the March meeting. It was set up for a consultation with the co-convenors of the Steering Group. The members are: Rev. Chris Ferguson, Rev. Collin Cowan, Rev. Chhoa Lam-sin (Acting PCT General Secretary), Stephen Hsu (Clerk of the PCT), Rev. Sudu Tada (Former Moderator and PCT Programme Secretary) and Victor Hsu.

Next Steering Group Meeting

The meeting of the TEF Steering Group was postponed from its original dates of March 6-7. Instead it will now be held electronically on July 8 & 9 with a two-hour session each day. 19:00 to 21:00 Taiwan Time.

The proposed agenda will include:

Updates on 
    (a) PCT Gen Sec
    (b) PCT 
    (c) Taiwan Situation and new government priorities
    (d) Hong Kong Democratization Struggle
     (e) Building Alliances sub-committee
     (f) Convocation on Youth, Indigenous Peoples and Women
     (g) November 7 Seminar on Empire and the Kingdom of  
God, Academy  for Contextual Theologies in Taiwan

Business Items

  1. Changes in SG membership
  2. Implications for TEF going forward 
  3. Next steps
  4. Dates for Future meetings

As usual, if you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to contact Victor Hsu whose email address is




通訊# 13







原定於6月在菲律賓舉行的「TEF青年、原住民及婦女研討會」,已因COVID-19延期。「TEF青年、原住民及婦女研討會」是由台灣普世論壇執行小組(Steering Group)倡議,TEF青年、原住民及婦女籌備委員正籌畫中,其成員有:


Francisco Hernando 牧師
Faith Justice Sanchez 姐妹
Rex Reyes, Jr. 主教
Reuel Norman Marigza 主教


Yuki Takai-Heller 博士
Nonoka Kuze 姐妹


Tjanuabk Ljaljegean(蔣記剛)傳道師

TEF共同主席:Collin Cowan牧師/博士

核心小組(Core Group)近況

自3月小組會議業已延期後,核心小組持續利用電子通訊開會。核心小組成立的目的是與執行小組的共同主席進行協商。其成員有:Christopher Ferguson牧師、Collin Cowan牧師、蔡南信牧師(PCT代理總幹事)、徐信得牧師(PCT書記)、Sudu Tada牧師(PCT執行幹事及前PCT議長)及徐望志教授。




   (a) PCT Gen Sec
   (b) PCT
   (c) 台灣局勢與新政府優先事項
   (d) 香港民主化困境
   (e) 拓展TEF普世聯盟及社會團體
   (f) TEF青年、原住民及婦女研討會
   (g) 「帝國與上帝國研討會」,台灣處境化神學學術研討,11月7日

  1. SG成員更新
  2. TEF的未來走向
  3. TEF的下一步

